Taking the high road to the U.S. Congress
Bob Hendry
Veteran, Business Owner, Patriot
Bob & Tracy Hendry
Married 25 Years
Major Bob Hendry
U.S. Marine Corps, 2003
Three decades ago I put down roots in Tennessee, where the love of my life Tracy and I raised seven children, have seven grandchildren, and own and operate our own businesses. I'm a deeply devoted Christian and a fearless cultural and constitutional conservative.
After graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, I served thirteen years' active duty as a Marine Corps Infantry Officer. After leaving the 'Corps, I came to Tennessee, worked at FedEx and GSK Pharmaceuticals, and Tracy and I now own our own business.
When our nation was attacked on September 11, 2001, I returned to the Marine Corps after 8 years of a quiet life, running toward the sound of the guns...
...because that's what American Patriots do.
Once again, our nation is in danger, but our greatest threat comes from within. So-called leaders - from both parties - are failing us. Corruption takes many forms. It's time we demand our elected officials take the high road in performing their duties.
We're shaping the country our children & grandchildren will inherit.
I will listen to you, and represent you at every level of government from the local school boards to the Supreme Court.
No one can accomplish these goals alone.